Wednesday 13 August 2008

06/08/08 Day 3 research

Today has been a really difficult day. I could not get up and started to panic that I was taking part in a residency and had zero energy. This has been happening for a few weeks now and I guess if it happens during the residency it happens. I remembered back to my conversation with Richard. Richard has been mentoring me for this residency, and we were discussing, what a residency actually means. I have labeled it a research and development residency, but still thats fairly broad. In terms of practicalities though, are there any rules? Richard suggested that there are "no rules for residency", and never have been, what is a residency?, It's something that has grown out of individual experiences and formats, but really there is not a specific way to go about them. I guess however I go about this one, in terms of start and finish times, amount of time spent in gallery, amount at home, amount of work produced is down to me and what will be most beneficial for me.  I have decided to try and focus on achieving one thing a day instead of 20. Today was spent organising materials and collecting together objects needed to go in the space next week. I then went onto to complete the marketing materials- (Thats know two things, I'm not very good at sticking to one thing!). 

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